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 Welcome to the figure skating page! Here you can chat with other figure skaters, learn more about figure skating, and even take a look at some pictures of proffessional figure skaters. Enjoy! 

       Don't figure skaters make their sport look easy? Gracefully gliding on the ice, moving around side to side, performing jumps and spins and dances and other foot work.

       But ice skating actually takes ALOT of practice. I know from expeirience because I am currently taking private lessons and I'm in freestyle four. Already I have realized how riggorous skating is.

        Ice skating is alot like ballet, in the sense of being graceful and having good posture. Also, like ballet, figure skating takes muscle--and lots of it! Probably more than any other kinds of dancing(besides gymnastics).

         A downside of skating is that it costs so much. Ballet and skating certainly have their differences. While you have to pay for your ice time for skating (usually $6 per half hour), in ballet you can practice anytime, anywhere. Also, in ice skating you have to take private lessons if you really want to be serious about the sport which usually ranges from $40--$100 an hour.

        Then buying skates can cost up to $900, as you have to buy the boot ($400) and the blade (up to $500) separatley and get the blade changed about three to five times a year as you advance.

         Here is a picture of a pair of ice skating boots.

       There are many levels in figure skating, starting with basic one through eight, then free style one through six. Then you have to take the Pre-preliminary test. When you feel like you're ready to move up from pre preliminary, you take the test for preliminary. After that comes pre-juvenile, juvenile, junior, and senior levels, and you have to take a big test at a competition in order to pass each of these levels and move up.

        There are many positions in ice skating, but the T-position is the most commonly used. You learn the T-stop and T-position in basic six or seven.

 Here are the chat room rules: 

1. Please don't cyber bully on my website

2. Don't ever agree to meet anyone in real life

3. Talk about appropriate things

4. You must be 13 or older to use the chat system

5. And don't forget... FIGURE SK8RS ONLY :)

 If anyone has any ideas for something I could add to the figure skating page please email me at and I will see what I can do. Thanks for your suggestions and comments! 

 Praise for the ice skating page:

Summer R., age 14-- "I just love your website! I've been skating since i was about 6 and I love it when other girls find out they can skate, they can share the freedom and happiness that I have when I skate. It means so much to me for you to be encouraging girls to take up figure skating!"

Mariama Beth G., age 9--Thanks for making this website so i can learn more about ice skating. I'm in basic 4 right now and I wanted to know more so i can get a head start in practicing. The T-stop is hard, but I'll have to learn it in order to reach my goal of making it to nationals and bringing home the gold medal!"

           T-position-- the T-position is exacly like what it sounds like: your feet in the shape of a capital T. Flex your foot, pointing the right foot's toes out to the right side. Put the left foot in front of the right foot, about right in the middle of your right foot's arch, and point it straight ahead. If you look down from above, your feet should look like an up-side-down T. This is the T-position.

             Now let's take a look at some pictures of proffessional ice skaters.

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